Monday, February 17, 2014

Being Creative

                                                   Creative Sewing      

Sometimes  it's  easy to be  creative  ...other  times  it;s  like pulling can't  sew  a  straight  seam....this  past week  I have  been  on a  roll....some  red  fabric and   creative   juices and  you can do all  your  projects  in a  easy manner....this  week I did  a  few  fabric  baskets  and   more  fabric  baskets.

 Marilyn  Panel  From The Fat Quarter  Shop

Love  the  panels  ....a  lot  of  sewing for  the  money spent....$7.00  and  a  lot  of  baskets  or  purses  or  quilts ....on and  on.


Fishing  Coasters  for
my favorite fishermen :-)

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