Friday, May 20, 2016


                                                                                Beautiful decorative stitching from the's machine stitches combined with hand stitching.

                               Go to for lessons

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Hump Day -Maybe I Can Sew Today

Hope to get into some  of my decorative stitching today - looks  like rain,a  perfect day to sew - just so much I want to do ...
Looking back at some of the older projects - a  gift to Cassidy a few  years ago - so much fun to make little purses.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Sunday May 1,2016

                                   Looking at decorative stitching             

Looking at beautiful decorative stitching again
today....I love the machine stitching and the ribbon and 
rat tail cording  that  you can use with your designs.

                                         This beautiful design is from Etsey!